Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Code Contracts in .NET 4

Reference :

One of the key features of the .NET Framework is its enforcement of strong typing. But sometimes, simply enforcing that an integer is passed into a method isn't enough. We have to write additional code to make sure the integer is in a particular range or some other requirement. With Code Contracts, we get a language-neutral way to express such additional requirements in the form of preconditions, postconditions and invariants.
What is Code Contracts
Code Contracts is a subset of a larger Microsoft Research Project called Spec# (pronounced "Spec Sharp"). You can read more about this project here. Spec# is a formal language for defining API contracts. A subset of these contracts -- preconditions, postconditions and invariants -- has made its way into Visual Studio 2010 in the form of Code Contracts.
Before being able to utilize Code Contracts, you'll need to download and install it from Why the need for the download? Code Contracts has support for both Visual Studio 2008 as well as 2010. Since it's not a VS 2010-specific product, a separate download is required.
Example :
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

public class TestContract
        int m_n1;
        int m_n2;
        public TestContract(int x,int y)
            Contract.Requires(x > 10, "x should be > 10");
            m_n1 = x;
            m_n2 = y;

Now try to create an object of TestContract
                TestContract obj = new TestContract(3, 20);

This will throw exception as “x should be > 10”

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