Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Razor Template Engine

Razor Code can be parsed using Razor template engine.
Following sample demonstrate how to achieve that.  Both @function and @helper are working.

string template = "Hello @Model.Name! Welcome to Razor!";
            string result = Razor.Parse(template, new { Name = "World" });

string template = "@functions{ public static string RenderDiscountedPrice(decimal price){    return \"Buy now for only 10 with $1.00 off!\";}}  @RenderDiscountedPrice(10);"; // WORKS
            string result = Razor.Parse(template,null);

string template = "@helper RenderDiscountedPrice(decimal price){ \"Buy now for only 10 with $1.00 off!\";} Hello @RenderDiscountedPrice(10);"; // WORKS
            string result = Razor.Parse(template,null);

string template = "Users List :\n @foreach(var e in Model){\n  @e.Name  @e.Designation  }";       // WORKS
                var f = new FakeEmployeesRepository();
                string result = Razor.Parse(template, f.Employees);

Where Employees Model is as follows;
public class Employee
              public int EmployeeCode { get; set; }
              public string Name { get; set; }
              public string Designation { get; set; }

public class FakeEmployeesRepository : IEmployeesRepository
              // Hard Coded list of employees
              private static readonly IQueryable<Employee> _fakeEmployees = new List<Employee> {
        new Employee {EmployeeCode=1,  Name = "Imran", Designation="Senior Software Engineer"},
        new Employee {EmployeeCode=2,  Name = "Andrew", Designation="Graphic Designer"},
        new Employee {EmployeeCode=3,  Name = "Michael", Designation="Project Manager"},
        new Employee {EmployeeCode=4,  Name = "John", Designation="Database Administrator" },
        new Employee {EmployeeCode=5,  Name = "Robert", Designation="Project Director"}

              public IQueryable<Employee> Employees
                     get { return _fakeEmployees; }

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